The Gran Turismo Pit Stop
About These Pages

an editorial note by GT2toXS

I want to make it clear I did not create the Gran Turismo Pit Stop myself, but I hope that, by presenting a version of it here, everyone can find it as useful as I did.

Shortly after I first got Gran Turismo (1), I discovered the Gran Turismo Pit Stop website created by albrnick.

The car comparison he provided, written by Michael Spann. was particularly useful as I started to attack GT1 seriously. I later made a few contributions to the pages myself, tracking down details like license test times and obscure prize values.

And so, when I noticed albrnick's pages disappear from his original site, I retrieved them from the Google cache and tidied them up so I could present them here. Using information from my diaries, I filled in all the missing details, and even added complete lists of all AI competitors for each simulation event.

Michael Spann's CGI-based car comparison had previously inspired me to write my own, which I later translated into JavaScript, allowing me to host it here, hooking it in in place of Michael's. The statistics I use are, in fact, obtained from David Connoy's complete car list FAQ. But Michael Spann and albrnick were definitely my primary inspiration.

One part I have removed is albrnick's best times pages. They had never totally caught on, and were particularly stale by the end. It would not have been worth the work of retrieving all those records pages, and, over all, I think the site at this point in time is better without them.

Last modified: Thu Apr 18 23:04:52 EDT 2002