My Gran Turismo Diaries

A Lurid Tale of Obsession, Depravity, Wits and Attempted Wit

Wed Jan 27, 1999

Dismal Normal Car Results with a stock Cerbera

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<<-- Driving Advice -->>

Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.

Wed Jan 27, 1999

Dismal Normal Car Results with a stock Cerbera

Based on mail to Nick.

<<-- Driving Advice-->>

I tried the Normal Car Race with a Cerbera. Like starting all over again. The most annoying thing is how the tires don't squeal. You just silently sli-i-i-p off the edge of the road. It really highlights the differences in road surface they emulate.

I tend to rattle on too much.

Some of it borders on rhetorical questions, others I might pore over later if I ever decide to create some sort of driving advice pages. ("Gran Turismo for the Complete Klutz", or something, maybe? 8-)

That use of the handbrake to force a clutch pop suggestion you "hmm'd" about works really well, though. As does upshifting to prevent a spinout. But, by the time you've got the car that close to a spin you've already lost a lot of time--probably too much for any advanced series.

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