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<<-- License Test Progress -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
It seems that used car stock does only change every 10 days, on the even 10th day, at least judging from a couple of different games I played last night, and it has nothing to do with whether you have bought any cars. |
Well, actually the first time it changes after only nine days, since you start at day 1. |
I finished up an A license at 78 days, which I will keep on another reference card. That was a reasonably honest 78 days. I had trouble with A-4 (Trial Mountain segment) this time and at about 45 days I was getting tempted to reset the attempt, but got it a couple of days later. I might have practiced it a couple of times last night after saving the A-3 at 25 days, but I don't think so. |
Anyway, wrt used car stock, I compared the stock of my 17 day B license reference card with the result of 11 days (er, 10 days, actually, leaving me at day 11) of spot racing a Prelude VTEC (with no real success; for a FWD car, it sure tends to spin, sort of like my Toyota Tercel Station Wagon does), and the stock I looked at seemed identical. And the stock did not seem to have changed at all prior to that. When I imagined it changed after five days, perhaps it was 10 or 11. And I'm also reasonably sure there never is a Supra MA70 for < Cr6000. |
Total time to get an A license for me seems now to be about 4 hours. A marked contrast to the first time I got it. |
But I sure am sensitive to controller configuration. When I try a
game from day 1, I usually forget to configure the controls before
starting a license test or spot race. Wow, major mental confusion.
I have built neural networks directly from the screen image to
certain finger movements, or something. |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.