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||--Used Car Information -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
Entries will be brief for the next few days (or weeks) as I begin catalogin the used car inventory. Last night as a side-effect of doing that I discovered the cheap 4wd car available at day 1, and took it out for a test run. |
It is a "Fiji Blue" Mitsubishi GTO '92 SR, for only Cr8860. With 221bhp, although 3769lb, I managed to win a spot race at Grand Valley East after one loss. However, the Supra which won the first time did not show up the second time. I have not finessed it onto a card with a B license, but I think it would be capable of winning the Sunday Cup straight out of the box, since the cars at the Sunday Cup seem to try harder to let you win than do the Spot Race competitors. |
I believe I have read about this car in other web pages. It does make an interesting strategy. Fully dressed, it could certainly win the 4wd series, but figures indicate you cannot hop it up enough to be a JPvs series contender. |
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