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Last night all I did was inventory Nissans for day 40. I have decided to do Nissans on one day, and the rest on another, since there are always so many Nissans. |
I test drove an S13 '88 Silvia K's 1800cc (super black), since at 172bhp for Cr6100 it seemed like a reasonable bhp/Cr deal and was under the Cr10000. It was okay. I bought some stabilizers and racing exhaust but never put them on since I could win all three Sunday Cup races without them. I even qualified third at the Autumn-Mini. |
Looking back at earlier days, I see that this car was not such a rare find, even though it was rare on day 40. An interesting comparison would be the S13 '91 Silvia K's 2000cc, 202bhp, available only occasionally for just a little under Cr10000. In fact, that might qualify as the interesting pick of day 30, since it is not available below Cr10000 on days 1,10 or 20. |
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