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<<-- Brake Balance Controller --||Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
I eventually did modify the perl program to dump HTML to do generate the colour brake controller chart. |
March 31 entry for more details.
Here is the new chart.
Here is the script which produces the table. |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ #!/xhbin/perl5 -w sub colorof { local($value) = @_; local($front,$rear,$fhex,$rhex); $front = $value; $rear = 1 - $front; if ($front < 0.25 ) { $front = 0; } elsif ($front > 0.75) { $front = 1.0; } else { $front = 2 * ( $front - 0.25); } if ($rear < 0.25 ) { $rear = 0; } elsif ($rear > 0.75) { $rear = 1.0; } else { $rear = 2 * ( $rear - 0.25); } $fhex = sprintf("%2.2x", 63 * $front * 4 ); $rhex = sprintf("%2.2x", 63 * $rear * 4 ); "#". $fhex . "B8" . $rhex; } printf("<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n"); printf("<TABLE>\n"); printf("<TR><TH COLSPAN=1 BGCOLOR=\"white\"></TH>\n"); printf("<TH COLSPAN=%d BGCOLOR=\"#2F9FF9\">%s</TH></TR>\n",15,"Rear"); printf("<TR><TH BGCOLOR=\"#F99F0F\">Front</TH>\n"); for ($r = 1; $r <= 15; ++$r) { printf("<TH BGCOLOR=\"#2F9FF9\">%d</TH>", $r ); } printf("</TR>\n"); for ( $f = 1; $f <= 15; ++$f) { printf("<TR BGCOLOR=\"#F99F0F\"><TH>%2d: </TH>\n",$f); for ($r = 1; $r <= 15; ++$r) { $v = $f / ($f + $r); $color = &colorof($v); printf("<TD ALIGN=right BGCOLOR=\"%s\">%5.1f</TD>\n", $color, 100.0 * $v ); } printf("</TR>\n"); } printf("</TABLE>\n"); printf("</HTML>\n"); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.