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<<-- Grand Valley 300 Results -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
Friday May 14, 1999 [R]GTO'95 MR Grand Valley 300km Endurance Race |
q1st 1:37.593rec Cr20,000 | |
Results: |
1st [R]GTO'95 MR 1-35:46.3<-- | |
2nd [R]R32GT-R'91 +393.355 (1-42:19.7) | |
3rd [R]CASTROL SUPRA GT +393.412 | |
4th [R]GTO twinturbo +394.415 | |
5th [R]LANTIS TypeR +739.712 | |
6th [R]ACCORD Sedan +788.791 | |
lap 1 1:38.519 | |
pits 10,20,30,40,50 | |
fl (2) 1:30.785 | |
slowest non-pit (29) 1:39.388 | |
next (8) 1:37.027 | |
fastest pit laps (30in) 1:49.819 | |
(51out) 1:38.584 | |
slowest pit laps (10in) 1:52.461 | |
(11out) 1:39.661 | |
So, I led from start to finish again. The first two cars were lapped by lap eight, and the whole field was lapped by the 2nd pit stop. |
The lap times slowed down slightly towards the end of the race. |
You can see there was an absurdly close race for second, which I could see the couple of times I passed them on the road (the first lapping happened while they were in the pits). |
The second place times were moderately slow, perhaps because of competition/interference. |
Note, this car is somewhate hard on tires, and penalty for stops is slight, so 6 or even 7 stops (of necessity uneven) might work slightly better. |
I won Cr300,000, and a black/green Castrol Supra GT. |
All-in-all I was disappointed that I didn't take even 30 seconds off my previous time. |
But this car was so good I'll try the tuned version next. |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.