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<<-- Prize Car Patterns -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
Last night I played some more of the "alternate" game which previously won me the yellow ConceptCar. Here's what happened. |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day(s) Car Event Prize Car 382- [R]Griffith500 USvsUK 45to24 green RX7 388- [R]Griffith500 GT-I q2HSR q2GV credits 1st 54to34 395- [R]Griffith500 UKvsJP sweep45to30 red delSol |
So that quite quickly finished up the complete set of International prize cars. |
There were no real surprises this time, although it was a little disconcerting getting two red del Sol's in a row. |
So now I need to go back to the save before I did the GT-I and see if not running and winning it stops you from getting some of the prizes. |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.