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<<-- Gameplay Hints -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
Wow, I must have played about 6000 Simulation Game Days of Gran Turismo, and only last night did I learn a useful fact... |
When I'm sitting there watching 50,000 credits be counted out slowly, I can end the process quickly by hitting the triangle button. |
Now that seems an illogical button to use, because it usually means "go back" or "quit". Since "X" didn't work, I kept assuming one was just simply required to wait for all those credits to be added up. But no, one can probably save aboout two minutes of elapsed time in the Normal Series by taking advantage of this. |
Somehow I discovered quite early "select" as the means to end replays (probably that's in the manual). Actually, a fun thing about replays is that you can map your reverse view button to something not on top of the controller, and (easily) get a (temporary) reverse view in the middle of a replay. Or perhaps what I mean is if you map reverse view to the top of the controller, you mess up your ability to do that. I can't remember where the default reverse view is right now. |
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