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<<-- Game Shark Hints -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
I nearly lost this code, but found it in my mailbox. So I am recording
it here for safe-keeping. |
The code was given to me as follows (North American GT2 Version 1.0): |
D00148E0 000C 800148E2 1000 |
That can be read as; when the two bytes at location 148E0 goes to value 000C hex, set the two bytes at 148E2 (ie the next two bytes) to value 1000 hex. |
I actually don't set up this code, I just use the memory editor at the appropriate time to change the value at 148E2. |
Specifically, you can do this at the screen which has the "enter" button. This works for Enduros at least. |
The main thing I use this for is to sneak powerful
cars into the Trial Mountain 30 in order to beat the rogue Vector LM. |
Another interesting Version 1.0 location I found recently, after hints from others, was |
(80)1C3018 |
If you go to the Toyota new car screen, and use the memory editor to change the four bytes following that location to your favourite car code, then if you select the top-left car on the screen you can purchase that car, selecting from all available colours when applicable. |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.