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<<-- Game Shark Hints -->>Copyright © 1999-2001, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
Here is a brief memory map of locations I found by inspecting the version 1.2 simulation mode disk copy of Gran Turismo 2. |
People have observed that most of these locations are merely shifted by hex 5A0 from the locations for Gran Turismo 2 "version 1.0", the original very buggy release. |
This version shows IA only above the Muscle Car Cup on the page under Special Events. |
This version spells "Normal" correctly for the Event Generator. |
And... This version shows a Cr50 car wash. And... This version no longer has the garage delete bug. |
801C99D8 - A. day counter (as you see in bottom-left corner) 801C99E0 - B. total races 801C99E4 - C. total wins 801C99E8 - D. total "positions" or "rankings" 801C99EC - E. total races not including abandons D/E does appear to equal "average ranking" 801C99F4 - total prize money |
Following this appears to be various "nybble maps" probably representing license status, plus various records, probably license and maybe Time Trials. |
801CD4B0 - # of max speed records 801CD4B4 - 8 max speed records, 20 bytes each car(4b),speed*100(4b),name(12b) 801CD554 - garage count (number of cars) 801CD558 - first car of 100 car garage |
Soon after the end of the garage is... |
801D1568 - number of credits in your bank account 801D156C - zero-origin index of current car in garage 801D156F - last name used for records, e.g. ARP20Feb01 |
Most, if not all, of these locations are hex 5A0 greater than the version 1.0 locations, I believe. |
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Copyright © 1999-2001 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.