Gran Turismo Garage Contents

To contact the author by email.

Contents of the gt2-boom game garage, at the end of all the days logged


The following are text files with somewhat detailed results for all the Gran Turismo 1,2&3 enduroes I have done:

The following is a somewhat detailed text file log I have begun for a third Gran Turismo 4 game:

The following is a somewhat detailed text file log I have begun for my second Gran Turismo 4 game:

The following is a somewhat detailed text file log I have kept for my first Gran Turismo 4 game:

The following is a somewhat detailed text file log I have kept for my first and, so far, only Gran Turismo 3 game:

The following are somewhat detailed text file logs I have kept for a few Gran Turismo 2 games:

The following are somewhat detailed text file logs I have kept for several Gran Turismo 1 games:

This form can show the state of the garage at the end of a particular day for each of the above games.

Show the contents of the garage from the game on day .

the request when it's complete.