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<<-- Crash Bandicoot -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
I didn't make any Gran Turismo notes for today, so I'll include these
tips I wrote for the second Motorcycle Racing level of Crash
Bandicoot 3. |
I did use the brake to help esse around the barriers without crashing through them, and without slowing down too much too soon. I think I even managed to pick up the speeder upper after the barrier without crashing through it. The brakes can help on some of the sharper corners, too. By using the brake you can start slowing down later, and are more likely to stay on the road. I don't think the game sends you out of control if you brake in the corner. |
If you can't memorize the course (I think it's the same each time, isn't it?) you can watch the cars to tell you which ramp to go around instead of up. You probably figured that out already. |
When approaching a "moving" police car, slow down and try and time things so you almost hit it, and they will then be moving away when you arrive. This seemed to work better on the right side of the road. |
In general, it seems if you have a choice you want the left side of the road, in order to have an easier time running over the speeder uppers, etc. |
Don't panic if you end up in the ditch, but get out as soon as possible. The opponent cars seem to take to the ditch not infrequently; going into the ditch seems to be one way of getting around the police cars, but I'm not sure how your time penalty for that compares to the opponent cars' penalty. |
In general, look a long way down the road to plot your trajectory around barricades, holes, police cars, oppenents, over speeder-uppers, not to mention around corners, etc. And modify your speed so you can make the maneuvers necessary, but speed up whenever you can. |
You can steer in the air, and don't need to worry about the alignment of the wheel when you land (contrary to real-life). So if you seem to be jumping into a hole, you might be able to steer away from it. |
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