My DiariesA Lurid Tale of Obsession, Depravity, Wits and Attempted WitMon Mar 22, 1999Definitive Discoveries about the Used Car Inventory |
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<<-- Used Car Patterns -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
The Gran Turismo used car inventory repeats itself, both content and prices, after 600 simulation days. It changes only every tenth day (i.e. on days with a "zero" as their last digit, so actually the first time it changes after only nine days, since the game starts at day 1). |
I discovered the length of the cycle after I noticed that day 1820(!) inventory was identical to day 20. Actually, the fiji blue Mitsubishi '92 GTO at day 1800 for Cr8860 stayed in my mind too. |
Having thereby verified that content and prices did cycle in synch, I realized the thing to do was look on appropriate days for a milano red del Sol '93 S for Cr8580 in Honda slot 1. I knew the cycle wasn't 100 or 200, so, starting with my saved 250 day game I tried 300, 360, 450, and finally at 600 I found the cycle. I was glad, because otherwise I probably would have stayed up and inspected day 900. (I would have got to there as fast as possible; I'd actually turned attempts before that into a semi-reasonable, although slow, A-license game; hopped up a Supra, won the Chaser, but couldn't win USvsJP with the Chaser on first try, and then my wife began watching television on her set beside mine, so I started just doing or abandoning more license tests). |
I think the fastest way to run up days is to get into a license test, and keep saying "Try again", and "exit" instead of running the test. Each abandonment uses a day without needing to do any "Loading..." (Amusing note; the game actually stores the in-memory replay data for your abandoned try |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.