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<<-- All-Night I Results -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
Friday May 28, 1999 GTO'95MR SSR11 All-Night I Endurance Race |
q1st 1:51.424not Cr20,000 | |
Results: |
1st GTO'95 MR 55:29.217rec<-- | |
2nd [R]GT-R LM +122.566 (57:31.783) | |
3rd [R]CELICA GT-FOUR +193.100 | |
4th [R]LANCER EvolV GSR +251.981 | |
5th [R]LANTIS TypeR +269.732 | |
6th [R]ACCORD Sedan +291.388 | |
lap 1 1:50.780 | |
pits 8,17oops,24 | |
fl (21) 1:46.008 | |
slowest non-pit (4) 1:52.418 | |
next (29) 1:52.022 | |
fastest pit laps (24in) 2:09.132 | |
(25out) 1:50.252 | |
slowest pit laps (17in) 2:09.237 | |
(9out) 1:52.983 | |
I won Cr150,000, and a red S14 Silvia LM. |
I led from start to finish. |
I did not win a checker taxi Silvia. |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.