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<<-- Prize Car Patterns -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
I took a game saved at day 60 with test A1 to A7 done, but A8 not. |
Day(s) Car Event Prize Car | |
------ --- ----- ----- --- | |
60-64 A-8 completed | |
purchased Silvia K's and won Sunday Cup and sold Demios | |
bought Griffith 500 ASAP, did non-permanent tune | |
won all open GTL events, and FR and all Spot Races | |
Then I race-modded it for the International Serieses. | |
From now on, I kept almost all prize cars from now on. | |
[R]Griffith 500 UKvsUS 45to22 purple ConceptCar | |
[R]Griffith 500 UKvsUS 45to23 purple ConceptCar | |
[power down, start next day] |
[R]Griffith 500 UKvsUS 45to26 green RX7 | |
1 day IA-1 completed | |
3 days IA-3 completed | |
more than 10 days IA-5 completed | |
1 day IA-7 completed | |
[R]Griffith 500 UKvsUS 45to22 green RX7 | |
[R]Griffith 500 wash | |
[R]Griffith 500 UKvsUS sweep45to24 purple ConceptCar | |
[N.B. previous wins were probably "sweep" too] |
[R]Griffith 500 UKvsUS sweep45to25 purple ConceptCar | |
[Note: now >Cr500,000] |
158- [R]Griffith 500 UKvsJP sweep45to24 green Cerbera | |
[R]Griffith 500 wash | |
[R]Griffith 500 UKvsJP sweep45to30 black del Sol | |
ConceptCar USvsJP sweep45to30 white/blue Viper | |
ConceptCar wash | |
ConceptCar USvsJP sweep45to30 white/blue Viper | |
RX7 USvsJP sweep45to28 white/blue Viper | |
Cerbera LM Mega q6thTT, 27to18 purple Soarer | |
[power down, start next day] |
ConceptCar USvsJP sweep45to30 white/blue Viper | |
[buy and prepare [R]Viper GTS] |
[R]Viper GTS USvsJP sweep45to30 white/blue Viper | |
[R]Viper GTS wash | |
[R]Viper GTS USvsJP sweep45to30 white/blue Viper | |
[R]Viper GTS Sunday sweep27to18 Demio | |
[R]Viper GTS Clubman sweep27to18 Camaro | |
[R]Viper GTS GT-Cup sweep36to22 Chaser LM | |
[R]Viper GTS FR sweep27to18 dark(?) blue Sileighty | |
[R]Viper GTS USvsJP sweep45to30 black FTO | |
[buy GTO'95MR, tune but no weight reduction] |
GTO'95MR Sunday sweep27to18 Demio | |
GTO'95MR Clubman sweep27to18(just) Camaro | |
GTO'95MR GT-Cup q5DFRW,q5TM ChaserLM | |
GTO'95MR 4WD sweep27to18 purple Lancer | |
[race-mod [R]GTO'95MR ] |
[R]GTO'95MR USvsJP sweep45to30 black FTO | |
256-273 IA-2 completed | |
274-282 IA-4 completed | |
283-289 IA-6 completed | |
290-304 IA-8 completed | |
[day 304 saved as A1] |
ConceptCar USvsJP sweep45to30 white/blue Viper | |
ConceptCar wash | |
ConceptCar USvsJP sweep45to30 white/blue Viper | |
[R]Viper GTS GT-I q3DFRW3rdSSR113rd44to36 | |
[R]Viper GTS UKvsUS q2ndSSR5 45to24 green RX7 | |
[R]Viper GTS UKvsUS sweep45to24 purple ConceptCar | |
[R]Viper GTS UKvsUS sweep45to26 yellow ConceptCar | |
[day 341 saved as A2] |
[R]Viper GTS UKvsUS sweep45to24 yellow ConceptCar | |
[R]Viper GTS Mega q6TT2nd24to21 yellow Soarer | |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.