My Gran Turismo Diaries

A Lurid Tale of Obsession, Depravity, Wits and Attempted Wit

Wed Jul 14, 1999

Got the 62nd race prize car again

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<<-- Prize Car Patterns -->>

Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.

Wed Jul 14, 1999

Got the 62nd race prize car again

Well, starting from scratch I got the 62 race prize cars in 1167 days, excluding 15 days "cheated" out of license tests. (I didn't realize I'd be as good as I was at passing the license tests, actually).

Now I've discovered how much the "loose chase camera view" option can mess you up, I guess I'll go back sometime and see how reasonable golds are on my license tests. So far, apart from the trivial ones, I've got gold only on B-7 (for a total of four).

"loose chase camera view" does seem to reduce fatigue, though.

The last car I got was the red-orange Soarer from the MegaSpeed. It was a reasonably long holdout in my first game. The last Abnormal Series prize-car I got was the yellow Skyline, and that was the very last car I got in my first game. But the International Series prize cars seemed to come out in a very different order.

It took me three attempts at the two two-prize enduros to get both cars, too, whereas the first time I was really lucky and got both pairs in only two attempts each.

I eventually reduced the garage to only one of each colour of each prize, except I kept two red prize Skylines. I used 18 purchased cars (2 of which were nearly identical; I couldn't get afford a red Civic3dr'93si the day I got my IA license, so I settled for a Tahitian green one for a while). So that's a total of 81 cars. I kept an instance of each car which won each prize car. But I did, for instance take the Cerbera which won the first Normal prize, and race-mod it. So later I bought another normal Cerbera. And even raced the Normal Series some more with it.

After selling the cars, I ended up with about Cr27,000.000.

In general, it seemed "harder" to get the prize cars this time.

But it does seem that cars with a good "racing history" have a better chance of winning new prize cars than those without. So some days were taken racing the GT League again and again, hoping to "charm" the competing cars.

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