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<<-- Race Results -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
If you concentrate on spending less time playing Gran Turismo, you really can get more done. |
Saturday I finally began the process of looking for a new real car, but that was somewhat discouraging. Auto makers and dealers seem to be conspiring to no longer sell the sort of useful small cars that I like. |
Saturday night I decided to go to bed early, having played none since Friday, and was able to get up at 6:00am. I got on my bicycle shortly after 7, and went for a little spin to Fergus and back (about 75km total) and got some much needed exercise. |
The trouble is, Gran Turismo can produce some of the same endorphins as physically exercise, but without the real benefits. |
I got back on Sunday at about 11am, and there was still a lot of the day left. |
I decided to drive the NSX-R LM GT2 (Honda special model) some more. I won the GT-I Cup with it, but with a little help from the best AI car which showed up--a Nismo GT-R LM; it placed first of the AI in all races except the last, where it dropped back a further place. Now, I only won three races, so if that had not happened, we would have tied, but instead I won 45 to 43. |
I've definitely got the NSX-R LM GT2 in better form than when I lost the Grand Valley 300 with it, but it's still sort of weird. It's the only car with which I have a difficult time winning at the High Speed Ring, and that really gets the GT-I Cup off to a bad start. I won Trial Mountain, but went off on the first hairpin on the last lap of Grand Valley and had to settle for second. I won SSR5, but was glad to manage second at the dreaded Deep Forest. SSR11 was a relatively easy win. |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.