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<<-- Grand Valley 300 Results -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
I managed to win the GT-I Cup with the Mitsubishi GTO LM, though only barely. I came 3rd at High Speed Ring, and 4th at DFRW, giving me only 43 points, the minimum needed to guarantee victory in the six-race series if you win four races. The AI field was relatively strong, so they did trade positions and points as well, so I actually beat the GTO twinturbo 43 to 36. |
So I entered the car in the Grand Valley 300. Previously, it had only barely managed a "good" winning time. It did quite a bit better this time. |
The car was easy to drive, but this time I knew more about making it go faster, and did have fewer mishaps. |
"real game" day 4214 Wednesday September 1, 1999 [R]Mitsubishi GTO LM (special edition) Grand Valley 300km Endurance Race |
q1st 1:41.730not Cr20,000 | |
Results: |
1st [R]GTO LM Edition 1-39:07.1<-- | |
2nd [R]Impreza Rly Edition +279.703 (1-43:46.8) | |
3rd [R]Primera'90 2.0Te +282.026 (1-43:49.1) | |
4th [R]Celica GT-Four +400.715 (1-45:47.8) | |
5th [R]Lantis TypeR +541.640 (1-48:08.7) | |
6th [R]Accord Sedan +586.555 (1-48:53.7) | |
lap 1 1:41.410 | |
pits 10,20,30,40,50 | |
fl (12) 1:34.943 | |
slowest non-pit (47) 1:40.372 | |
next (8) 1:39.884 | |
fastest pit laps (40in) 1:51.695 | |
(21out) 1:41.871 | |
slowest pit laps (50in) 1:55.074 | |
(51out) 1:43.924 | |
I was disappointed to face such a weak field, but did set a time which should constitute a win against any field, so I have improved with this car as well. |
I got the lead by the end of lap 1, and kept it. By lap 20 I had lapped the three slowest cars, and I had lapped the (slow) field for the first time by lap 25. I had a bit of a fight getting past the Impreza for the second time. That accounted for the slow lap time on lap 47. I finally got by in laps 48 and 49, but the pass didn't stick when I went in for my pitstop on lap 50. |
I finally lapped that car again by lap 53. |
After I finished, the Impreza and the Primera jostled for the lead. (Look at how close their times were). This was interesting because their positions in the on-screen listing kept changing. |
I had no major disasters, and only a couple of minor ones. |
Most laps were 1:35 to 1:38; the lap times seemed to vary more than with some other cars. |
I won Cr300,000, and a black/blue Castrol Supra GT. |
This makes this car once again appear to be the second-slowest Special Model car, although it was 1:20 faster than the NSX-R LM GT2, and beat its own old time by almost three minutes. |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.