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<<-- Children -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
Well, my nephew, now eight years old, is really getting into Gran Turismo now. |
When I visited him about two weeks ago I lent him a card full of cars, and eventually he used a slightly detuned '89 Skyline GT-R and got a good feel for it. |
Yesterday, we brought him his own copy of Gran Turismo which we had purchased now that it is in "Greatest Hits" pricing. He used the Skyline to beat my brother (who hasn't had much practice) in a race-maxed '94 Impreza Wagon WRX at the Autumn Mini. |
Then he proved he can reliably win the Sunday Cup with the Skyline. |
Then he really began to get the hang of license tests. |
We started a brand new game for him. |
He got B1-B7 relatively quickly (a lot more quickly than I had
originally |
Unfortunately, he did seem to get some sort of minor injury from the way he was holding the controller; not sure why; he can play Crash Bandicoot for hours, but perhaps that's not so analog stick intensive. (I set the controllers up with analog steering and analog throttle/brake). We discussed ways he might be able to avoid that, and I think he might get his B license sometime today. |
In early playing around, he had also passed A-1! (on another game, of course). Of course, A-1 and A-2 seem to be about the same intensity as the B tests. |
I am quite behind in entering Grand Valley 300 Results. Now I've
taken to writing down all 60 lap times, it takes a bit longer to
transcribe. |
I have the following Grand Valley 300 results to enter in lurid detail, all from before September 19: |
TVR [R]Griffith 4.0 1-35:46.0 | |
Chevrolet [R]Corvette'96 1-40:02.6 | |
Toyota [R]Celica GT-Four 1-39:54.1 | |
Toyota [R]Chaser LM 1-41:21.9 | |
So, one of these days I'll probably enter retroactive entries for
all of them. (Actually it's now September 23 when I am entering this
entry |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.