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<<-- Game Shark Hints -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
I wanted to create a GameShark Code for GT2 which would cause you to win as prize cars hybrids constructed from your garage. These codes will only possibly work for <html><b>GameShark Version 3.00</b> or higher. |
In the first two step, outlined in my previous two entries , I developed codes to cause you to win as a prize-car a new copy of the first car in your garage--first a single copy, and later as components. |
The next step, was to copy different pieces of the car from different garage slots. That, then, would be the first version of this code of mine. |
The first version is for the original 1.0 North American version of GT2: |
C21CCFB8 0008 -- copies most things from slot #1 (1.0) 101D502C 0000 C21CCFC4 0006 101D5038 0000 C21CCFCE 000C 101D5042 0000 C21CCFFA 001A 101D506E 0000 C21CD018 0044 101D508C 0000 C21CD070 0002 -- copies engine from slot #2 101D5040 0000 C21CD112 0002 -- copies L+W+F mod (I later decided this was a bad idea) 101D503E 0000 C21CD122 0004 -- copies weight reduction and race-mod from slot #3 101D504E 0000 C21CD1CA 000A -- copies engine mods from slot #4 101D5052 0000 C21CD278 0010 -- copies turbo and some other stuff from slot #5 101D505C 0000 C21CD2A4 0004 -- copies turbo gauge also from slot #5 101D5088 0000 C21CD2F4 0004 -- copies after-market rims from slot #6 101D5034 0000 C21CD32C 0002 101D506C 0000 |
I have worked extensively with this 1.0 code. |
I have not actually tested any of the other versions, yet. I would expect them to work, and would not be greatly afraid to try them--I just have not got around to it. |
For North American Version 1.1: |
C21CD328 0008 -- copies most things from slot #1 (1.1) 101D539C 0000 C21CD334 0006 101D53A8 0000 C21CD33E 000C 101D53B2 0000 C21CD36A 001A 101D53DE 0000 C21CD388 0044 101D53FC 0000 C21CD3E0 0002 -- copies engine from slot #2 101D53B0 0000 C21CD482 0002 -- copies L+W+F mod (I later decided this was a bad idea) 101D53AE 0000 C21CD492 0004 -- copies weight reduction and race-mod from slot #3 101D53BE 0000 C21CD53A 000A -- copies engine mods from slot #4 101D53C2 0000 C21CD5E8 0010 -- copies turbo and some other stuff from slot #5 101D53CC 0000 C21CD614 0004 -- copies turbo gauge also from slot #5 101D53F8 0000 C21CD664 0004 -- copies after-market rims from slot #6 101D53A4 0000 C21CD69C 0002 101D53DC 0000 |
For North American Version 1.2: |
C21CD558 0008 -- copies most things from slot #1 (1.2) 101D55CC 0000 C21CD564 0006 101D55D8 0000 C21CD56E 000C 101D55E2 0000 C21CD59A 001A 101D560E 0000 C21CD5B8 0044 101D562C 0000 C21CD610 0002 -- copies engine from slot #2 101D55E0 0000 C21CD6B2 0002 -- copies L+W+F mod (I later decided this was a bad idea) 101D55DE 0000 C21CD6C2 0004 -- copies weight reduction and race-mod from slot #3 101D55EE 0000 C21CD76A 000A -- copies engine mods from slot #4 101D55F2 0000 C21CD818 0010 -- copies turbo and some other stuff from slot #5 101D55FC 0000 C21CD844 0004 -- copies turbo gauge also from slot #5 101D5628 0000 C21CD894 0004 -- copies after-market rims from slot #6 101D55D4 0000 C21CD8CC 0002 101D560C 0000 |
For PAL version (should work, based on the known offset): |
C21CD588 0008 -- copies most things from slot #1 (PAL) 101D55FC 0000 C21CD594 0006 101D5608 0000 C21CD59E 000C 101D5612 0000 C21CD5CA 001A 101D563E 0000 C21CD5E8 0044 101D565C 0000 C21CD640 0002 -- copies engine from slot #2 101D5610 0000 C21CD6E2 0002 -- copies L+W+F mod (I later decided this was a bad idea) 101D560E 0000 C21CD6F2 0004 -- copies weight reduction and race-mod from slot #3 101D561E 0000 C21CD79A 000A -- copies engine mods from slot #4 101D5622 0000 C21CD848 0010 -- copies turbo and some other stuff from slot #5 101D562C 0000 C21CD874 0004 -- copies turbo gauge also from slot #5 101D5658 0000 C21CD8C4 0004 -- copies after-market rims from slot #6 101D5604 0000 C21CD8FC 0002 101D563C 0000 |
For Japanese version (I've seen this offset, but it would be nice if someone could test it--be warned): |
C21CD9B8 0008 -- copies most things from slot #1 (Japanese?) 101D5A2C 0000 C21CD9C4 0006 101D5A38 0000 C21CD9CE 000C 101D5A42 0000 C21CD9FA 001A 101D5A6E 0000 C21CDA18 0044 101D5A8C 0000 C21CDA70 0002 -- copies engine from slot #2 101D5A40 0000 C21CDB12 0002 -- copies L+W+F mod (I later decided this was a bad idea) 101D5A3E 0000 C21CDB22 0004 -- copies weight reduction and race-mod from slot #3 101D5A4E 0000 C21CDBCA 000A -- copies engine mods from slot #4 101D5A52 0000 C21CDC78 0010 -- copies turbo and some other stuff from slot #5 101D5A5C 0000 C21CDCA4 0004 -- copies turbo gauge also from slot #5 101D5A88 0000 C21CDCF4 0004 -- copies after-market rims from slot #6 101D5A34 0000 C21CDD2C 0002 101D5A6C 0000 |
So this is actually the code I wanted!!! |
With the code active, arrange that six cars you want to combine, as indicated, are at the top of your garage. Often you want to have duplicate copies of cars if there are only certain things you want to combine. In an extreme case, you might put five copies of a BMW in the first five slots, and put a car with nice after-market rims in the sixth slot, and then your prize will be the BMW fitted with the custom rims. |
I did not totally like my choice of parts combinations (in particular dangerous things happen when you mix the L+W+H code inappropriately, so I find it best to keep it with the "base" car; it makes for a more realistic hybrid that way, anyway. |
So, in my next version, I tweak things a bit, rearranging the parts, and actually use nine slots instead of six. |
A caveat applies to all these codes. I think they strain the limits of the GameShark, and about once every 20 or so attempts, I get a dreaded No Name No Name car instead of the desired hybrid. Often this happens twice in a row, and then tends to clear up. I think it is a timing problem, aggravated perhaps by the length of my code, or, perhaps, I think I heard once, by the fact I have so many codes now for Gran Turismo 2, even though most of them are not active. |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.