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<<-- Game Evaluation -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
Well, I stopped by a videogame store on my way home last Thursday night, to pick up a $29.99Cdn DexDrive for my other set of nephews and nieces. At the same time I did some impulse buying. I also picked up a used V-Rally2 for $14.99 to give to the same nephews and nieces. And, for myself, I managed to spot a $9.99 copy of Sports Car GT (for the PlayStation). Both games seemed to work okay, even though the CDs looked a little smudged on the working surface. |
I have now played with Sports Car GT a little, but not extensively. The choice of real-life courses--Road Atlanta, Sebring, Laguna Seca and Mosport is quite a good selection. I found Road Atlanta seemed to have slightly more intuitive "feel" than the others, but, in general, all of them merely demonstrated how fantastic Gran Turismo Graphics are. A lot of the corners have a "two-dimensional" look to them, and the Sports Car GT Laguna Seca Corkscew is nothing like the gut-wrenching experience the Gran Turismo one is. It's nice to have a reasonable copy of the track in Mosport, Ontario, Canada, however. |
The first time tried a quick "season", I somehow accidentally quit it
part-way through. I went "back to the paddock" to try and do some
tuning and could not figure out how to go back to the race I was in,
and the game let me exit without an "Are you sure?". Oh well, it let
me keep my prize money. |
Later I managed to gain enough skill to finish in the top three for all three races in the GTQ season so that I could advance to GT3. The GT3 season features a rainy version of the Road Atlanta course, and it seemed to me that that looked more realistic than did the dry weather version of the same course. |
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