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<<-- Game Evaluation -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
Well, last night I played Sports Car GT some more, and managed to open up the GT2 level. |
It turns out you that if you have already opened up GT3, and do well enough in GTQ again, you get a chance to enter a special race for a $10,000 fee. I did that twice last night. The first time I won a team BMW. |
That car was relatively easy to place in the top three of all races of GT3. Hey! I even came first at good old Laguna Seca! Although the track is different in some fine details, practice in the GT2 game definitely did help! |
The Corkscrew in Sports Car GT is definitely not the stomach-curdling experience that it is in GT2, however! |
So that opened up GT2 level. I then went back, did well in GTQ again, and won a team Porsche. It was then well-and-truly time for bed. |
I sort of assume that what one does now is race the GT3 again, and thereby win a good car for the GT2 level. I'm also beginning to accumulate a moderately large amount of money--about $150,000. |
It seems odd to me that so many games leave details of the true method of playing them as secrets. |
For instance, if I ever find the secret to allow me to tune a car between races in a series, I'll be sure to let you know. Whenever I try it, it seems to cause me to restart the whole series. |
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Copyright © 1999,2000 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.