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<<-- Game Evaluation -->>Copyright © 1999-2002, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
It's strange that I've never managed to mention V-Rally 2 here. I played it quite a bit a few months ago, and was really very impressed. All-in-all, I find it more fun than Colin McRae Rally. |
Anyway, I want to record here a few useful V-Rally 2 cheats for safe-keeping. |
Here are some GameShark Codes I found by using the World Wide Web. (, actually). |
North American (NTSC) version Unlock all cars: Unlock all tracks and modes: Unlimited credits: Maximum championship points: Unlimited repair time: |
All those codes are credited to Ellay1. |
I found them at |
The following key press cheats are attributed to F. Mackay. |
All cars and trophies: |
Press L1, R1, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down, X, X + Select at the game progress screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Use cursor keys to move to an unrevealed square and press X to unlock the corresponding car and trophy. In fact, you can select an unlocked square and toggle it off the same way.
Faster acceleration: |
Enter LDN as a driver name.
Higher jumps: |
Enter _FLY_ as a driver name. Note "_" indicates a space.
Bonus tracks: |
Enter one of the following driver names, begin a race, then quit. Start a new race, select a car, choose time trail mode, select "Corsica", and select any track to drive on the hidden track.
I found those at |
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Copyright © 1999-2002 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.