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<<-- Game Shark Hints -->>Copyright © 1999-2001, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
I realized that I had never shown you what the Warranty Replacement Simulation Disk (version 1.2) looked like when inspected on a PC. So here it is... |
11:59:58 G:\>dir Volume in drive G is GRANTURISMO Volume Serial Number is DD15-A7A5 Directory of G:\ FAULTY PSX 27,648,000 10-12-99 10:43p FAULTY.PSX GT2 OVL 289,752 10-12-99 10:39p GT2.OVL GT2 VOL 488,241,152 10-12-99 10:41p GT2.VOL MUSIC DAT 97,918,508 10-12-99 10:42p MUSIC.DAT SCUS_944 88 628,736 10-12-99 10:43p SCUS_944.88 SYSTEM CNF 68 10-12-99 10:39p SYSTEM.CNF 6 file(s) 614,726,216 bytes 0 dir(s) 0 bytes free 12:00:00 G:\> 12:00:42 G:\>ls -al total 20991 -r--r--r-- 1 N: anonymou 27648000 Oct 12 1999 faulty.psx -r--r--r-- 1 N: anonymou 289752 Oct 12 1999 gt2.ovl -r--r--r-- 1 N: anonymou 488241152 Oct 12 1999 gt2.vol -r--r--r-- 1 N: anonymou 97918508 Oct 12 1999 music.dat -r--r--r-- 1 N: anonymou 628736 Oct 12 1999 scus_944.88 -r--r--r-- 1 N: anonymou 68 Oct 12 1999 system.cnf 12:00:45 G:\> 12:01:18 G:\>cat system.cnf BOOT = cdrom:\SCUS_944.88;1 TCB = 4 EVENT = 10 STACK = 801fff00 12:01:31 G:\> |
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Copyright © 1999-2001 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.