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<<-- License Test Progress -->>Copyright © 1999-2002, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
I Actually Get All Golds on My GT1 IA License and Win All Four Nismo 400R's! |
For the past few weeks I went back to GT1 and actually managed to get all gold on my IA license tests. A combination of extra practice, use of Sony Dual Shock Controllers, and sheer persistence made this possible, even though I had at one time given this up as impossible. |
Here's a summary of my IA license test standings now: |
The above shows how I save my name in license tests records. It indicates the date I got gold on each test. Well, I left IA-1 till last, and first got gold on September 6, but kept reloading a game with only 7 IA golds, allowing me to collect all four colours of Nismo 400R. |
My wife was watching X-files beside me when I won my first 400R.
The episode where Mulder and Scully are supposed to be going to a
Teamwork Workshop but instead stop off and fight with the ghost of
Ponce de Leon. |
There's just a little scratch on the left rear panel of the Griffith.
Nothing a little touch-up paint won't fix. |
So, the first serious corner I think I went in a little fast, slowing down below 100mph just before exiting. A similar situation for the esse; I went a bit fast through the first corner, and slowed to below 80mph on the exit of the second. The the last corner. Went in fast and gave it a nice drift up to the top, hitting the wall and bouncing right off, allowing me to maintain over 100mph through the corner without dragging along the wall too much. |
Of course, the Griffith has reasonable acceleration. So whereas in those two B license tests you had to carefully hold yourself in on the first corner of the esse so as to maximize exit speed from the second corner, I think with the Griffith the lesser of too evils it to take the first corner a little too fast and thereby spend less time in the whole combination. The same principle may even apply to a single corner, sort of. |
But the first 400R was silver. |
So I was glad I did the save thing (I have many many memory cards, in addition to several multi-page ones) so that I have a record of the gold medals as well as a game with the prize car and only 7 gold medals with only IA-1 to go! |
So, as I said before, I use a Dual Shock, with analog gas/brake, manual
transmission using R1/R2. Handbrake is L1, but I never use that. My
left thumb just steers. |
It actually only took me eight successful runs to collect all four colours of 400R. In order, I won, silver, silver, silver, red, silver, yellow, yellow and, finally, gray. Of course, with each new colour, I arranged to buy that colour into the 7-silver reference save. Eventually, I made the game where I had set my best IA-1 time my "main" game. |
The test I found the hardest was IA-6 (Trial Mountain). I thought I
would never get it right! But eventually I did. It was a frustrating
course because you could have a good run and then blow it all on that
last esse-bend. SSR5 was a surprise! I'd just done IA-6, and thought
I was warming up for SSR5 (IA-2), when I did a gold run (partly by
benefit of some wall-sliding) even though I'd never managed silver on
that course! I rushed to save that game. Later, while trying to beat
IA-1 I began to wonder if I should have instead made IA-2 the one I
left until last. But eventually I managed to beat IA-1 enough times
to get the four 400R's. |
So now, if I go to do the Normal Series with a 400R, I have to decide
whether to use my silver one, my red one, my yellow one, or my gray
one. |
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