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<<-- Gameplay Hints -->>Copyright © 1999-2001, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
I had reason to review my replay and formulate advice for this notorious licence test. |
For all the time I've put into GT1 and GT2 I'm only a passable driver. |
It took me ages to find my B-gold replays last night, but eventually I did. |
To demonstrate my level of persistence, here are my replay titles: |
That's playing almost every evening and a lot on weekends. Anyway, the description in the earlier posting pretty much describes my replay. Now, I used analog gas and brake all the time, with manual transmission mapped to R1 and R2. (In one GT2 test with an underpowered car on a circle pad I did switch to digital throttle to get gold). |
In general, it looked like I pinned the tach before the start (after a little "warming up" by alternating of revs--I really don't know if the game does "warm up" the engine or not). And I always shifted up after the redline. I downshifted almost immediately after beginning the turn, but did no powerslide, since the car has no power! |
I barely touched the outside rumble strip on entrance to the turn (I believe the non-gold demo goes right up on it), and stayed just clear of the inside rumble-strip at the apex. I hit a peak speed of 87 mph before turning, which slowed me down, after which I quickly downshifted (at about 80mph). I used all the road on my gradual exit, and ran off the road after the finish line. My lowest speed through the corner was 63mph. I'm reasonably sure I used no brakes (no lights), but can't remember and the replays don't really reveal the extent to which I may have feathered the throttle while slowing down. |
My actual shift points were: |
Unlike with a powerful car, your racing line should be almost symmetric around the turn (apex in the center). (With a powerful car, you want to enter such a turn deep so that you can apex late and thereby have more time to accelerate (because of the flatter exit curve). It's debateable how much that would help even with a powerful car in this particular scenario, since the finishing straight might be too short to allow increased acceleration and speed to offset extra time spent in the corner). |
Oh yes. My biggest gold medal hint. |
Turn the **** Music OFF!!! |
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Copyright © 1999-2001 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.