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<<-- Game Shark Hints -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
So at I learned how you can change the tracks at which Gran Turismo 1 Simulation Mode Events take place. I worked out by myself how you can use tracks other than the Simulation Mode tracks. This means you can run the Enduro on the two-player tracks which have the pits open. (I've tested this, and it works for both your car and the AI cars. |
See for their versions of these codes. I use the GameShark Pro to do equivalent patches at the first pre-race screen. (Unfortunately this does not change your test run course, but that is alright, and can be got around by using the other set of track modifier codes). |
Here are the addresses for the per-event track codes, with their initial 4-byte values: |
Spot Races (start at $90E74, add 8 per race) $90E74 -- High Speed Ring Spot Race ($8008C760) $90E7C -- Grand Valley East Spot Race ($8008C6B0) $90E84 -- Autumn Mini Spot Race ($8008C77C) $90E8C -- Trial Mountain Spot Race ($8008C784) $90E94 -- Deep Forest Spot Race ($8008C6D4) |
Sunday Cup (start at $90E0C, add 4 per track) $90E0C -- Autumn Mini ($8008C77C) $90E10 -- High Speed Ring ($8008C760) $90E14 -- Grand Valley East ($8008C6B0) |
Clubman Cup (start at $90E1C, add 4 per track) $90E1C -- Autumn Ring ($8008C790) $90E20 -- Clubman Stage R5 ($8008C754) $90E24 -- Trial Mountain ($8008C784) |
GT Cup (start at $90E2C, add 4 per track) $90E2C -- Grand Valley Speedway ($8008C6F8) $90E30 -- Deep Forest ($8008C6D4) $90E34 -- Special Stage R5 ($8008C76C) $90E38 -- Trial Mountain ($8008C784) |
GT World Cup (start at $90E40, add 4 per track) $90E40 -- High Speed Ring ($8008C760) $90E44 -- Trial Mountain ($8008C784) $90E48 -- Grand Valley Speedway ($8008C6F8) $90E4C -- Special Stage R5 ($8008C76C) $90E50 -- Deep Forest ($8008C6D4) $90E54 -- Special Stage R11 ($8008C6A8) |
FF Series (start at $90D44, add 4 per track) $90D44 -- Deep Forest II ($8008C6B8) $90D48 -- Grand Valley East ($8008C6B0) $90D4C -- Special Stage R11 ($8008C6A8) |
FR Series (start at $90D54, add 4 per track) $90D54 -- Grand Valley East II ($8008C6E0) $90D58 -- Deep Forest ($8008C6D4) $90D5C -- Grand Valley Speedway II ($8008C6C8) |
4WD Series (start at $90D64, add 4 per track) $90D64 -- Trial Mountain II ($8008C700) $90D68 -- Grand Valley Speedway ($8008C6F8) $90D6C -- Special Stage R5 II ($8008C6EC) |
Lightweight Battle Stage (start at $90DA4, add 4 per track) $90DA4 -- Autumn Mini II ($8008C748) $90DA8 -- Clubman Stage R5 ($8008C754) $90DAC -- Deep Forest II ($8008C6B8) |
USvsJP (start at $90DB4, add 4 per track) $90DB4 -- Trial Mountain II ($8008C700) $90DB8 -- Special Stage R5 ($8008C76C) $90DBC -- High Speed Ring ($8008C760) $90DC0 -- Grand Valley East II ($8008C6E0) $90DC4 -- Special Stage R11 ($8008C6A8) |
UKvsJP (start at $90DCC, add 4 per track) $90DCC -- Trial Mountain II ($8008C700) $90DD0 -- Special Stage R5 ($8008C76C) $90DD4 -- High Speed Ring ($8008C760) $90DD8 -- Grand Valley East II ($8008C6E0) $90DDC -- Special Stage R11 ($8008C6A8) |
UKvsUS (start at $90DE4, add 4 per track) $90DE4 -- Trial Mountain II ($8008C700) $90DE8 -- Special Stage R5 ($8008C76C) $90DEC -- High Speed Ring ($8008C760) $90DF0 -- Grand Valley East II ($8008C6E0) $90DF4 -- Special Stage R11 ($8008C6A8) |
Normal Series (start at $90D8C, add 4 per track) $90D8C -- Autumn Mini II ($8008C748) $90D90 -- Grand Valley East II ($8008C6E0) $90D94 -- Clubman Stage R5 II ($8008C728) $90D98 -- Deep Forest II ($8008C6B8) $90D9C -- Special Stage R11 ($8008C6A8) |
Hard-Tuned Series (start at $90D74, add 4 per track) $90D74 -- High Speed Ring II ($8008C738) $90D78 -- Grand Valley Speedway II ($8008C6C8) $90D7C -- Clubman Stage R5 II ($8008C728) $90D80 -- Autumn Ring II ($8008C71C) $90D84 -- Special Stage R11 II ($8008C710) |
Mega-Speed Series (start at $90DFC, add 4 per track) $90DFC -- High Speed Ring ($8008C760) $90E00 -- Test Track ($8008C774) $90E04 -- High Speed Ring II ($8008C738) |
Enduros (start at $90E5C, add 8 per race) $90E5C -- Grand Valley 300 ($8008C6F8) $90E64 -- Special Stage R11 All-Night I ($8008C6A8) $90E6C -- Special Stage R11 All-Night II ($8008C710) |
So, in summary, here are the legitimate values for simulation mode tracks. |
$8008C6A8 -- Special Stage R11 (outbahn) $8008C6B0 -- Grand Valley East (short) $8008C6B8 -- Deep Forest II (rev_test_in2) $8008C6C8 -- Grand Valley Speedway II (rev_circuit) $8008C6D4 -- Deep Forest (test_in2) $8008C6E0 -- Grand Valley East II (rev_short) $8008C6EC -- Special Stage R5 II (rev_highway) $8008C6F8 -- Grand Valley Speedway (circuit) $8008C700 -- Trial Mountain II (rev_mountain) $8008C710 -- Special Stage R11 II (rev_outbahn) $8008C71C -- Autumn Ring II (rev_autumn) $8008C728 -- Clubman Stage R5 II (rev_shortway) $8008C738 -- High Speed Ring II (rev_testline) $8008C748 -- Autumn Mini II (rev_mini) $8008C754 -- Clubman Stage R5 (shortway) $8008C760 -- High Speed Ring (testline) $8008C76C -- Special Stage R5 (highway) $8008C774 -- Test Track (speed) $8008C77C -- Autumn Mini (mini) $8008C784 -- Trial Mountain (mountain) $8008C790 -- Autumn Ring (autumn) |
The track values are actually pointers to other names, which are shown in parentheses in the above list. These names look like they might be internal file names of some sort. So, I looked for other lists of names, and finally did discover that, amongst others, the following 2 player tracks can be used as tracks at simulation mode events. This allows you to do the enduroes on these tracks, and have pits which actually work. |
$800C0C7F -- Grand Valley Speedway (2p_circuit) $800C0CBB -- Grand Valley East (2p_short) $800C0CE8 -- Autumn Ring (2p_autumn) $800C0D10 -- Autumn Mini (2p_mini) $800C0D3F -- Special Stage R5 (2p_highway) $800C0D82 -- Clubman Stage R5 (2p_shortway) $800C0DD8 -- Special Stage R11 (2p_outbahn) $800C0E4B -- High Speed Ring (2p_testline) $800C0E58 -- Deep Forest (2p_test_in2) $800C0E65 -- Trial Mountain (2p_mountain) $800C0F68 -- rogo-test (rogotest) |
The last track. although not a 2-player track, is a hidden track with the pits open. It is basically the Autumn Ring Mini, but with peculiar lighting effects on the cars. |
Since these values in memory do actually have $80 in the first of the four bytes, this is causing me to think that PlayStation memory is actually offset by $80000000, and that it is not 100% correct to say that $80 in the first two digits of a Game Shark code is really the op-code. But I don't know for sure. |
You can use these codes with a GameShark Pro by changing the apppropriate location at the first pre-race screen. |
Or you can construct a code to modify the event you want. For instance, to run the Grand Valley 300 on the 2-player High Speed Ring track, the memory patch part of the code would be: |
80090E5C 0E4B 80090E5E 800C |
$90E5C (or $800905EC) is the address of the Grand Valley 300 track pointer, and $800C0E4B is the value required to make that the 2 player High Speed Ring. |
It's advisable to guard this code with something. When you have two values to patch, it's tricky--$8008 in the top two bytes looks too general to test for, to me. So perhaps something like the following would be a good idea: |
D0090E64 C6A8 80090E5C 0E4B D0090E64 C6A8 80090E5E 800C |
This will do the above patches only when the memory pointer for the All-night I endurance race appears to be set to its normal value. That is, when that area of memory appears to be being used for the list of tracks for each event. |
I tested this exact code, and it seemed to work very well. |
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