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<<-- Car Information -->>Copyright © 1999-2001, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
I am finished the GT1 fiji game (Maybe here) game which started with the Fiji Blue Mitsubishi GTO'92. While I had stipulated to myself that I should sell no cars (this makes it harder to afford the necessary modifications), I wanted to buy only one additional car--an entry for the Normal Series, and still complete the game (get all gold cups) in just 100 days. |
The key to my strategy was using the prise Demio to win the FF, then the LightWeight, and then the Clubman. I won one pole in the Sunday Cup with the GTO'92, |
So I made the following mods to the Demio |
It was upsetting having to waste the Cr7,000 on the sports tires which I would later upgrade, but it seemed a reasonably efficient strategy. (If I had won less money, I would have used H/H sports tires, but if I do that then I, personally, have a good chance of coming second in the Grand Valley East race of the FF series--costing me Cr3,000). |
I won the FF Series that way. I got no poles, but won all races, so that was Cr25,000 winnings. |
Then I did: |
That allowed me to win all races in the LightWeight series (no poles, Cr25,000). |
I won all races in the Clubman, (after a break to get my A license :) ) but got no poles and that was Cr41,000 more winnings, for a balance of Cr71,940. I could have bought a Viper RT/10 at that point, but, instead, I did the following to the Camaro: [*] Sport Trans, H/H sports tires, WR1 (Cr12,500) I then won the FR series (no poles) for a net profit of Cr12,500, giving me a balance of Cr84,440. |
I wanted to buy the most expensive car I could which was capable (in my hands) of dominating the Normal Series. A Cerbera was just out of reach at Cr84,800, so I bought a Griffith 500 for Cr83,200. That won all poles and races in the Normal Series, giving me Cr401,240. At that point, of course, the game is basically over. |
To conserve funds and avoid over-powering the competition too much, I tuned the GTO'92 a little conservatively: |
I would like to have made no permanent modifications, but found that without weight reduction (WR2 takes it from 3637lb (yikes) to 3090), this car is relatively sluggish. |
With that I won one pole (Grand Valley) and all races in the 4WD Series, and won all but one race (but no poles) in the GT Cup (coming 3rd at DFRW). So now I had the Chaser LM. |
I won the USvsJP and UKvsJP with the Chaser LM (missing two poles in the first series). Unfortunately I won neither the Viper GTS-R nor the Cerbera LM, meaning I had to use the Camaro again for the UKvsUS. (Tuning the Supra RZ I had won from the Normal Series won me the Soarer from the Mega Speed Cup, so I could not try the challenging DB7, either. I actually cloned the Camaro so I could keep the lightly-tuned FR winner around. |
Once I got to that point, the game just needed to be played out. |
The prize Supra won the All-Night II and the Abnormal series. |
As a bit of a challenge, I used that [R]Camaro to win the All-Night I and the Grand Valley 300. |
And, since I'd never tried it before, I used the Silvia LM to win the GT-I Cup. |
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Copyright © 1999-2001 the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.