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<<-- Grand Valley 300 Results -->>Copyright © 1999,2000, the author/owner of the following ==> page <==.
This humble little car is one of the recommended Cr10,000 starters, and, certainly, when fully race-modded, seems almost first-class. |
I managed to win the GT-I Cup with it, coming 2nd at DFRW, and winning all other races. However, the Impreza Rally Edition was the only real competitor which showed up. |
So I entered the car in the Grand Valley 300. Previously, it had only barely managed a "good" winning time. It did quite a bit better this time. |
The car is pleasant to drive, with reasonably responsive power and handling. |
"real game" day 4232 Sunday September 5, 1999 [R]FC RX7 GT-X (Savanna) Grand Valley 300km Endurance Race |
q1st 1:43.804not Cr20,000 | |
Results: |
1st [R]FCRX7 GT-X 1-40:10.3<-- | |
2nd [R]NSX-R LM GT2 +120.905 (1-42:11.2) | |
3rd [R]GTO twinturbo +127.052 (1-42:17.4) | |
4th [R]Primera'90 2.0Te +220.404 (1-43:50.7) | |
5th [R]EXIV 200GT +342.887 (1-45:53.2) | |
6th [R]Lantis TypeR +487.247 (1-48:17.5) | |
lap 1 1:47.328 | |
pits 12,24,36,48 | |
fl (27) 1:36.481 | |
slowest non-pit (47) 1:40.989 | |
next (23) 1:40.695 | |
fastest pit laps (12in) 1:54.627 | |
(25out) 1:44.880 | |
slowest pit laps (36in) 1:57.426 | |
(49out) 1:46.270 | |
I did not get a good start, and had an early fight for the lead. I got the lead by lap 4. I had not lapped any cars by the first pit stop, and just barely kept my lead after the stop. |
I got into a fight to lap the field on lap 48, and didn't quite manage it. I finally passed the GTO on the road by lap 54, but must have pass the NSX in the pits (unless it took a very late pit stop, so that I never really lapped it. |
It was nice to win in this car against a reasonably strong field, and I had no major disasters. |
I won Cr300,000, and a black/blue Castrol Supra GT. |
I actually recorded all lap times, as follows: |
1 1:47.328 1:47.328 2 1:37.296 3:24.624 3 1:38.455 5:03.079 4 1:37.122 6:40.201 5 1:37.122 8:17.323 6 1:37.943 9:55.266 7 1:37.449 11:32.715 8 1:38.415 13:11.130 9 1:39.258 14:50.388 10 1:38.653 16:29.041 11 1:40.204 18:09.245 12 1:54.627 20:03.872 13 1:45.395 21:49.267 14 1:36.751 23:26.018 15 1:38.443 25:04.461 16 1:37.556 26:42.017 17 1:37.302 28:19.319 18 1:37.909 29:57.228 19 1:38.892 31:36.120 20 1:38.299 33:14.419 21 1:37.990 34:52.409 22 1:38.959 36:31.368 23 1:40.695 38:12.063 24 1:54.638 40:06.701 25 1:44.880 41:51.581 26 1:36.754 43:28.335 27 1:36.481 45:04.816 28 1:38.506 46:43.322 29 1:38.129 48:21.451 30 1:38.036 49:59.487 31 1:37.144 51:36.631 32 1:38.879 53:15.510 33 1:38.317 54:53.827 34 1:38.713 56:32.540 35 1:38.801 58:11.341 36 1:57.426 1-00:08.767 37 1:45.697 1-01:54.464 38 1:38.083 1-03:32.547 39 1:38.805 1-05:11.352 40 1:38.708 1-06:50.060 41 1:37.834 1-08:27.894 42 1:37.437 1-10:05.331 43 1:38.880 1-11:44.211 44 1:38.040 1-13:22.251 45 1:38.800 1-15:01.051 46 1:38.978 1-16:40.029 47 1:40.989 1-18:21.018 48 1:55.217 1-20:16.235 49 1:46.270 1-22:02.505 50 1:38.754 1-23:41.259 51 1:37.523 1-25:18.782 52 1:38.181 1-26:56.963 53 1:38.726 1-28:35.689 54 1:39.498 1-30:15.187 55 1:38.198 1-31:53.385 56 1:38.969 1-33:32.354 57 1:38.951 1-35:11.305 58 1:40.630 1-36:51.935 59 1:38.754 1-38:30.689 60 1:39.708 1-40:10.397 |
After this I did some more time trials at the full Grand Valley of more future Grand Valley 300 possibilities, including a couple of past losers. |
[R]Chaser LM |
1:42.827 + 1:37.178 = 3:20.005 | |
Previous best was 3:24, so now it seems likely I could | |
win the GV300 with this awful car. | |
[R]Eclipse GT |
1:44.557 + 1:38.108 = 3:22.665 | |
Previous best was 3:25, so now it seems as if I *might* | |
be able to win the GV300 with this. | |
[R]Griffith 500 |
1:38.939 + 1:34.831 = 3:13.770 | |
1:37.536 + 1:33.188 = 3:10.724 | |
1:39.443 + 1:32.719 = 3:12.162 | |
1:37.635 + 1:31.518 = 3:09.153 | |
A definite shoe-in. |
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